Famous Firsts with Izzy

Izzy (@izzthisthingon on Instagram)
Morning Show Host
KDKB (ALT AZ 93.3)/Phoenix
I worked afternoons on my college radio station, WPGU/Champaign. It wasn't a university-funded radio station, and it was run entirely by students. It was like a crash course in radio. I loved every minute of it, so I decided to change my original career path of Psychology, and continue on in radio!
My sister took me to see The Academy Is... at House of Blues in Chicago when I was 16! I remember being in awe of how packed that place was, and everyone singing along was electric. Definitely a memorable show.
Slipknot - IOWA. My parents didn't want me listening to it, so they kept taking it away from me, and I'd have to buy another one. I also got to interview Corey Taylor later in my career, so that was a really cool full-circle moment!
Brent Smith from Shinedown. Always a super nice and friendly guy, making that interview a breeze. I remember being insanely nervous, but he helped keep me calm!
I was working Nights at a Top 40 station in Springfield, IL--my first radio job out of college. I was too busy chatting with my buddy who did nights on the Country station next door to realize I forgot to take the log out of Manual. There was dead air for at least 3 minutes. Luckily, my boss never listened to my show since he did mornings, so I never got in trouble.