Famous Firsts with Ian McCain

Ian McCain
Assistant Program Director
WLUM (FM 102/1)/Milwaukee
It depends. First concert I was taken to by my parents? Juice fucking Newton. First concert I went to on my own? Verbal Assault or Sting (Dream of the Blue Turtles tour) were that same summer.
The Bay City Rollers
Charlie Daniels Band
Not necessarily “dead air” but in the days when there was no automation, I was doing nights on a Friday night at The Planet in Lincoln and the overnight person didn't show, and then part-time person on at 6am was sick... and the program director was out of town (pre-cell) and no one else picked up, so I was on the air from 7pm Friday to 1pm Saturday... playing every CD and segueing every element. lol. People forget what that was like.