Following Something Corporate Big Loud Rock signing announcement and first release in 20 years with “Death Grip,” the team gathered at the sold-out reunion tour night one at Brooklyn Steel on June 20th. Pictured are (back row, left to right) Dave Barbis (Big Loud Rock), Lloyd Norman (Big Loud Rock), AJ Kasen (Big Loud Rock), Bari Lieberman (Press Here), Greg Thompson (Big Loud Rock), Andrew McMahon (Something Corporate), Brian Ireland (Something Corporate), William Tell (Something Corporate), Josh Partington (Something Corporate), Kevin “Clutch” Page (Something Corporate), Russell Baltera (C3), Ryan Carignan (C3); (Front row, left to right) Morgan Young (C3), Nicole Rich (Big Loud Rock), Valeri Hedges (C3), and Michael Coughlin (WME).