Dallas, TX’s Ella Red released her new single “I Like You Best” on June 28th. Ella said, “I wanted to write a song about the taboo thoughts we as girls sometimes keep secret, and voice it for us all. It’s engrained in our society to shame women for this sort of thing while others can freely enjoy and talk about it, and I want to break that stigma. My newest single, I Like You Best, is empowering, catchy, and a tiiiiny bit naughty. It’ll push you to the edge of your comfort zone, while leaving you nodding your head and singing along.” The self-released single is the follow up to her lead single “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is,” which made it to Power rotation at KTCL/Denver and WQYQ/South Bend. Ella just wrapped up a midwest radio promo tour leading up to the release of her new single.