Famous Firsts with Nicole Alvarez

Nicole Alvarez
KROQ/Los Angeles
WPLA/Jacksonville. I got it because some dumb guy broke my heart so I went to a rock night at a club in Jacksonville after my roommates dragged me out of my dorm room and Planet was there. I found my way on stage where the DJ was and I asked for a contact and then I called relentlessly until they agreed to see me. The rest is history.
Motley Crue’s Theater of Pain…with my MOTHER!
Motley Crue - Shout At The Devil
My first artist interview was on the phone and it was Gavin Rossdale of Bush and I was terrified but the man could not have been lovelier. My voice was shaking, I had cold sweats, I didn't know what I was doing, but it by the time it was over we were best buds and I found out that hs guilty song pleasure was Bon Jovi's "Bad Medicine." I consider that a win.
I honestly don't remember my first dead air experience. If I am being honest, they are all so traumatizing to the core that I am pretty sure I black out each and every time and bury the memory deep at the bottom of my soul. I can only say that each one has been but a mere few seconds that feel like an eternity in hell.