Ravey Exits The Woody Show

June 25th, 2024

The Woody Show longtime co-host Renae Ravey has exited the Premiere Networks syndicated morning show that originates from KYSR (ALT 98.7)/Los Angeles.

Ravey has a 22 year history on The Woody Show with Jeff “Woody” Fife. She shared the following on social media: “I know this is a tough day for long time fans of the show. It’s a tough time for me as well. I know everyone wants more information or ‘the truth’. But for right now — all I will say — is that I will miss the Woody Show fans like crazy. 95% of you have been the kindest most loyal friends a gal could have — and love you all – even the haters. I take comfort in 10 great years — and I wouldn’t give those up for anything. I promise that I am okay and this will end up being a good thing for me – ME LOVE ALWAYS – Ravey”

A disappointed Woody broke the stunning news on-air yesterday (6/24) that Ravey’s last day on the show was last Friday (6/21). While Woody had no comment for this story, he did mention on-air that he “Loves Ravey like a sister and wishes her the best and thanked her for all the years she has been part of the show.” Listen to the beginning of The Woody Show Podcast HERE.