RADIOHEART: Kevin Cole Film Illustrates The Power Of Music To Inspire, Comfort, Connect & Build Community

February 11th, 2025

Longtime Alternative programmer/on-air personality Kevin Cole checks in with some exciting news. There is a full-length, indie documentary film in production entitled RADIOHEART: The Drive and Times of DJ Kevin Cole. Directed by Peter Hilgendorf, the film follows Cole’s 50 years in the music business, from the early First Avenue days, through the founding of Alternative REV 105 in Minneapolis, helping launch’s music store (back when Amazon was a small, independent bookseller) to 25 years at KEXP/Seattle. Cole stepped down last summer from KEXP, where he was Director Of Programming/Afternoon Drive for the last 18 years. He continues to host a weekly show “Hey Ho!  Let’s Go!” on KEXP.

Cole says, “But the movie isn’t really about me. The film uses this journey to tell a much bigger story, the story of the power of music to inspire, comfort, connect, build community, and to heal!” 

He notes, “Fundraising for the film has gone extremely well and generous donations have already covered the production and promotion costs. The final $ amount to raise will be used to pay for the music licensing. As you can imagine, this film needs a kick-ass soundtrack. I know there’s a lot of heavy shit going on in the world right now. My hope is that there is also room to tell a story about something positive—the role that music plays in our lives, the power of music to unite, bring people together, and heal. The film is funded by individual donations and if you’re able to contribute any dollar amount to fund RADIOHEART’s soundtrack, I would appreciate it (and you’ll be thanked in the film credits!).”  

If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to help fund RADIOHEART’s soundtrack, click HERE. Check out a 3- minute film trailer HERE

You can reach Cole at