Famous Firsts with Jason “Hammer” Squires

Famous Firsts with Jason "Hammer" Squires
Director of FM Programming – One Putt Broadcasting
KFRR (New Rock 104.1)/Fresno (KJFX-KJWL-KWDO too)
Weekend overnights – KRAB/Bakersfield. Also, I was there all the time during the week, bothering people, taking out the recycling, etc. Anything to feel “a part” of the radio station.
KISS, LIck It Up Tour, Bakersfield Civic Auditorium. I was 5 years old. So cool to hear Paul Stanley say the "F" word and it be so loud.
KISS – Asylum (Cassette Tape)
I think……….Spike 1000 from Bakersfield.
Falling asleep during one of those weekend overnight shifts.