Famous Firsts with Laura Lee

Laura Lee
Program Director/Midday Host
WWCD Radio : Streaming at WWCDRADIO.com
After an internship at K-ROCK in NYC, I sent my tapes out and ended up overnights at KWOD in Sacramento, CA.
Officially it was Michael Jackson during his Bad World Tour. I was 10 and my Uncle had tickets and took my mom, brother and I. As far as the first concert that I wanted to go to, that would be U2 during their Zoo TV tour. August 25, 1992 at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburg, PA.
U2 - Achtung Baby
Beck, May 2, 2000 at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco. I was super nervous and can't remember a single question I asked him, but I remember how super kind the guy was to me. I will be forever grateful he gave me that experience. And not that you asked but my 2nd interview was with Jerry Cantrell, complete dick.
While I know what you're asking about, I want to spin it and talk about my first Dead Air DAVE experience because he was a big reason I even ended up in radio. He was working at K-ROCK in NYC when I interned there and he needed fresh voices for the weekend sponsorships. I thought it was so neat to hear MY voice on the radio. From there it was encouragement and help in making an aircheck tape and then I thought to myself, let's see what happens, and applied for jobs. When I did land a job, overnights at KWOD, I packed a bag and flew to the other side of the county. I had no idea what I was getting into and wanted to call it quits several times in the beginning but stuck it out and 24 years it's no longer a job, it's my career. I joke that there are times when I curse Dead's name, but I wouldn't change a thing. Radio shout outs to Ashok! He can be heard on 1010 Wins and WCBS 880 in NYC.