VIP Access with StrateJacket
Let’s meet the band.
Jackson Roemers – Guitar / Lead Vox
Fabian Angel – Bass / Vox
Nate Mangold – Drums / Vox
ARTIST | StrateJacket |
SONG | “Bad Start” |
LABEL | Edgeout Records / Universal |
ORIGIN | Bay Area California |
1. Please introduce yourself and give us the backstory on how the band got started.
Hi, I’m Jackson Roemers & I sing, and play guitar in StrateJacket. I started the band after asking Fabian Angel to join back in 2019 but by every definition we were a pandemic band. During 2020 with no job and nowhere to play shows, I decided to really focus on building this band into something I’d be proud of. The first thing on the to-do list was bringing on a drummer capable of playing at breakneck speeds with extreme accuracy and poise (big ask I know). The search was far quicker than I had expected. I reached out to Nathan Mangold, sent him some demos, and after one practice he was in. This remains our lineup to this day.
2. How would you describe your music?
Our friend once said our music was like if Green Day and Blink 182 had a lovechild that was raised by The Killers. I’d say that’s pretty accurate. I wish I could describe us in a more niche way but when you’re raised on the alt-rock powerhouses that are those bands they undoubtedly make their way into your music.
3. Who are your biggest influences?
The bands I just mentioned are definitely high up on the list. I’m also a big Ramones fan. I’d say Nate and I are big Third Eye Blind fans. Fabian brings an Arctic Monkeys thing to the table. I love bands with shouting gang vocals; we utilize that style a lot.
4. What was the inspiration behind your current single?
“Bad Start” was inspired by my mood during the pandemic. There are a ton of hopeless outcast anthems by punk bands of all sorts but the way I saw ours hopefully being able to stand out was to write one for the bedridden generation plagued by the Covid 19 era. It’s a sort of shout in your pillow song about feeling dumb and angry without a place to put those feelings because you’re stuck in your house and the world is going to shit outside anyway.
5. What would surprise people most about you?
Probably how much we make out with each other honestly, also our modesty.