Famous Firsts with Phil “PK” Kukawinski

Phil “PK” Kukawinski
Content Director + Afternoon Drive
WGHL (ALT 105.1)/Louisville, KY
Started out as an intern at 89X back in 2009. Celebrating 15 years since my start this coming June.
Outside of seeing some friends in Battle of the Bands in high school, my first concert with an actual touring band was seeing After Midnight Project with Ashes of Soma back in 2008 at the now torn-down T.N.T.'s in Michigan. Still have a signed shirt somewhere in storage.
Not ashamed to admit the first CD that I bought was the CD-Single to "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" from Backstreet Boys. Backstreet for life!
A Day To Remember back in 2009 for their "Pulling Your Pud Tour"; it was awkward.
Honestly, I don't remember my first dead-air experience. I block them out of my mind, unless it's something insane. Like being off the air for 20 hours just a couple weeks ago, or the time that I was doing weekends on 89X and the top of the building caught fire during my shift. I definitely stayed in the building longer than I should have until firefighters told me I had to leave. Thankfully we had someone in Windsor who was able to jump into the studio there and hit play (shoutout to Dan MacDonald at AM800).